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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Sometimes I get overwhelmed…

Sometimes the panic rises from within and I feel myself nearing an edge…

Sometimes I am exhausted from pacing and thinking all I can do is lay down and rest…

Anxiety…I have suffered with it all my adult life, I had my first panic attack in my early twenties.

Obsessive Compulsive Thinking…I know it well.

For many years I would wake during the night in panic…you see I’d plough on through the day and not deal with my stress but it would catch up with me during the night when I couldn’t escape.

After I had given my life to Christ in 2005 it wasn’t until time had passed that I realised I no longer woke during the night in panic…I was healed – praise God!

I still have a natural tendency towards anxiety…it’s genetic…but I’m not medicated or have ever been.

Now days I understand I have triggers that my body will respond to with anxiety.

My main triggers are; extreme stress, excessive body heat and hormones.

When I find myself anxious these days I focus my mind upon scriptural truths.

At the moment I need to get ready for another big move…
I have both academic and manual work to complete…
I am entering into a new season of life…
Life is not stopping or slowing down…

I found myself getting anxious today, so I decided to lie down and rest focusing upon The Truth.

I think of Jesus being anxious in the garden before His impending trial and crucifixion…He knows extreme stress and what it is like to endure…there is nothing that we go through that He cannot help us with.


He tells me to rest in Him for He is GOOD and gives me His PEACE!

I need His rest and peace, I cannot function without it.

My life does have so much joy and love in it…but sometimes I still get overwhelmed and I know He understands…

In love, Melanie.


Unknown said...

Mel, Jesus revealed to us whenever he felt the need he spent time with the Father, especially when anxiety and stress comes over us. Stress and anxiety are triggers to preserve us from our fears. God built us as we are for a reason. When our buttons get pushed, find out the cause and the Father will offer the cure. God bless...Thanks for the reminder. We all have stress in our lives.

Melanie J Nash said...

Thanks for your encouragement and comment :)