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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Thursday 6 April 2017

Easter 2017: Resurrection & Trust.

For me there is no Easter without Jesus' resurrection and furthermore there is no faith without complete trust.

I have been thinking about the importance of the resurrection and trust with Easter approaching. I am contemplating the truth of Easter holding no relevance for many when they don't understand or trust in The Resurrection.

You see, truly without Jesus' resurrection from death, we have no hope. We have no hope in anything after this life. So, we may as well continue to celebrate Easter in the pagan tradition of eating lots of 'fertile promoting' chocolate...You know, eat, drink and be merry because we're all just going to die anyway...

The Sadducees (a group of Jewish religious zealots in Jesus' time) tried to deny resurrection was a part of God's plan. They believed that this life was as good as it gets, and could not see God had a salvation solution. They tried to stump Jesus by asking an obviously preposterous question, regarding how marriage after multiple spouses would work after people are resurrected. Jesus simply told them they did not understand the scriptures or God's power...

Jesus never denied the resurrection. While many believe this is because we all will go to heaven, Jesus spoke of a resurrection consistent with the Bible. A resurrection of ALL PEOPLE for final judgement...A resurrection where we will pass into eternal joy or condemnation.

Now this may sound scary to you. And I will truthfully tell you, if we really understand that we can never measure up to God's holy standards, we may well panic. I really think this is why deep down, many people today struggle with anxiety...I believe they're stuck in their rebellion and sin from trying to live life without being forgiven and committed to Jesus, and when they're not distracted by life, their anxiety begins. I honestly can write this because I have personally experienced it, and know many who struggle the same way.

The good news however is, the anxiety can be replaced by God's peace when we confess our sin and need to God, and accept His gift of forgiveness and new-life through Jesus Christ! You see faith or a belief, that Jesus is the Messiah, or God's Saviour/Christ is still incomplete, unless we understand that faith requires the active-action of fully trusting in Jesus' death and resurrection being imparted to us. This happens when we repent and make the decision to give our life to Jesus Christ.

I have been thinking about how fully trusting God (whom Jesus is) is possibly the hardest thing for most people...

TRUST is really hard. I mean people may fully believe in Jesus. They may fully believe in His resurrection from death. But do they TRUST in it becoming their own???

I have been faced with the decision of late to trust or to not trust – and this has just in my own personal life, and truly it's hard, and it has me thinking...

We want the answer to everything we not? Yet if we understood everything it wouldn't it be hard to trust would it? Yes it would not be hard as trusting would require no faith, for faith is believing and trusting even when we don't see some parts or know some details.

Many people may say, “Yes, I believe in Jesus!” But do they really TRUST Him? Do they trust that His death and resurrection can be theirs? Do they trust that His death, (the loss of His life) can be the death their sins would have inherited and therefore His resurrection due to their sin being gone would also be theirs?

Do they TRUST in Him to be their Saviour – fully trusting that through Him they pass through final judgement, from death to life, because of His death and resurrection becoming theirs?

Do they TRUST Him for imparted wisdom from His Word, the Bible when the world says differently?

Do they TRUST Him to do a good work within them and to change their life when they surrender all to Him?

Do they TRUST Him to help them fight their sinful nature daily and to confess their sin when they stumble?

Do they still TRUST Him when they find themselves confused and hurt?

There is no Christian faith, or celebration at Easter without the resurrection and there is no Christian faith without complete trust in the final work of Jesus Christ; that being His death and resurrection being imparted to His followers.

TRUST is hard. But when I look in the mirror really honestly, or when I stop being angry and look at myself, I know I fall so short. I know I'm so limited and am so glad I can TRUST The One who always makes the right judgement, and has given me so much.

So I continue to believe and fully trust in Jesus' death and resurrection...

I pray you daily do too, love Melanie.

Let me leave you with "Jesus Paid It All" Being performed here by Newsboys.
"Oh praise The One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!"

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