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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Tuesday 16 July 2013


A definite ending…shutdown…conclusion…termination…

And then there is the modern use of the word…the up-sell version, meaning an attempt to move one… perhaps an attempt to help people?

But, Ahhhh, the phrase moving-on…such an awful expression!

Just a small plea…if someone you know is facing a major closure in their life, acknowledge it, and please refrain if possible, from jumping so quickly onto the moving-on train, in an attempt to avoid the awkwardness…it really doesn’t help, it’s an uncomfortable, sticky Band-Aid…

Closure…have you been there? Do you know this place well?

I know this place…I am a reluctant tenant for a time…

How long will the tenancy last, I don’t know?

But what I do know, is that I will not be moving on…

I will be continuing to move forward with Christ.

What a glorious hope we have in Him…

No, life is not always kind, and easy…closures are very real and painful…but what a tangible hope He provides…

Some doors may close, but only He opens the door that NO-ONE can close…


Anonymous said...

Yes, moving forward with Jesus!!
My sister-in-law is now in the presence of her Savior, and I so look forward to the day when I can talk with her again!
If she did not know the Savior, the heartache would be unbearable - but because she does know Jesus, I am just missing her a lot.
So in this case for me, no actual "closure" needed - not a permanent goodbye.

Melanie J Nash said...

Love your comment, thanks so much for taking the time to share :) May you continue to experience His peace, as you remember your sister-in-law! Melanie.