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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Thursday 27 July 2017

The Next Chapter

My ordinary Aussie life has been extremely busy since getting married last month.

I came to a decision to resign from my school chaplaincy position so that we all could live together as a family…and this required my boys and I moving to Bendigo!

Another move…And another moment of letting go and trusting God with everything…You see I had no job lined up this time to go to…

I admit, amongst the exhaustion of moving, cleaning, beginning the boys in a new school, cooking, unpacking, sorting, more cleaning and so on and so on…I have had moments of worry when I have thought, I have no job now…no ministry title anymore…

Yet the majority of the time I have felt absolutely free and so very loved!

I have felt a peace with knowing I am His, regardless of my job title, and I still see opportunities daily to show His love to others and my family. I am more than a job title. I am the same person, chaplain or pastor or not, as I was never anyone but my genuine self in these roles anyway!

I’ve applied for some jobs but really it was because I thought I should, not because I thought they were right for me. I prayed and asked The Lord to shut the doors of these positions if they weren’t His will for me, and you know what, I haven’t even received an interview!

I’ve been taking time to rest and serve my family and I’ve honestly loved every minute of it…

My boys have been going great too, the best they’ve been in quite a while which is wonderful confirmation I made the right decision.

Now for some news…
My new husband and I have begun a writing adventure together. It’s a bible study blog called, 'Zeal for Your house'!! 

While we're both committed to serving locally, and firmly believe in and support our local home church in Victoria, Australia, we also feel called and equipped to serve the wider body online. We understand the power of connecting online with others, and the importance of providing digital resources to encourage and build up the worldwide church for free! So we decided to start 'Zeal for Your house' as a free resource blog, providing sound, biblically based devotional posts for personal and group meditation and study.

I hope you check it out and let me know what you think!

Love Mel :)

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