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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Monday 3 March 2014


I will apologise up-front if you’re a friend of mine on Facebook, who has decided to read my blog and I offend you with this post because you're an athiest…But then again if you’re a friend of mine on FB I’m sure you’d know I’m a Christian J

Have you ever had the sensation of knowing, “This is who I was made to be!” ?

If you haven’t that’s ok, to be honest I’ve only experienced this in my adult life in more recent years…

When I was a little girl I knew I wanted to belong to Jesus and that’s about all I knew.  Most of the time I was in my own little world…I wasn’t all that ‘switched’ on academically, and school didn’t really begin to make sense for me till around grade four (and that includes a repeated year).

As I matured so did my confidence as I discovered that I was gifted creatively and musically.

Sadly over my teenage years I began to choose the seductive worldly path over that of a follower of Jesus.  This continued well into my early adult years, but the reality was that I was not happy or satisfied.  At the age of around 27 years old, to the onlooker I think I would have seemed to have had a pretty successful life (well that’s what I desperately tried to portray).

I was a professional dance and singing teacher, had a good looking husband, three sons, a relaxed lifestyle in a rural town, good food and clothing, going without nothing, it would seem…

Behind closed doors and deep down however, I was a woman who was anxious of death, divorce, and of Jesus returning and me not being ready!  I struggled with ALL my relationships, I did not really love and care for my family, as I was actually a very self-orientated person, and I struggled with friendships.  I was never satisfied with what I had and was always looking for a new opportunity or project to keep my mind busy (because then I was less anxious) and could make some more money!   I never felt like I was really living…I DID NOT feel I was who I was supposed to be, or that I was doing what I was made for.  Behind closed doors I was anxious and lost…

When God so graciously convicted me of my sin in 2005, I began my new life and it has been a discovery of learning who God is and who He made me to be.
In this post I could not write enough of how Good God is and of all the wonderful ways He has been growing me more and more into the woman He had always planned for me to be…I am still growing and learning…I don’t think this will stop…

Early in my re-committed life of faith, I felt like I had returned in many ways to the little girl who did not know much…but that she wanted to belong to Jesus and I found so much joy and peace in really knowing that now it WAS my reality.  I knew healing had taken place, when one day I realised that I no longer woke in the night in panic anymore…Praise God, hey :)

Studying theology has been like an adolescence period in my faith and now I am in a transitioning period of finishing study and being blessed to walk alongside others in their faith journey, as I serve The Lord daily with my life.

I am still a creative and musical person and in fact I am now more so than I ever was, as I use these gifts for His glory.  I do not know what is around the next corner…No my life IS NOT always easy or without hardship…but honestly I DO feel like I am the woman God made me to be (OK so I’m not perfect and still will remain a work in progress until Jesus returns) BUT my life now makes sense and I am no longer lost!

I have experienced the sensation of knowing… “This is who I was made to be!” and it is truly wonderful…

This post could never tell you how Good God is, but it can point you in the direction of finding out for yourself and there is only one way to do that and that is through Jesus Christ…

Do you also want to know what you were made for? 

(Cause really, there are only so many Buzz Feed personality tests we can do for fun...and yes I have been doing them on FB recently and have been having a good laugh)!

So many people will tell you that there are many ways to the one God…
But I will not, for I want to be faithful to THE ONE who has so graciously changed my life forever and HE SAYS DIFFERENTLY…

There is only ONE way to God and that is through the death and resurrection of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ – call out to God in the mighty name of Jesus and ask Him to forgive you, cleanse you and rebirth you through His perfect Holy Spirit!  Amen!

In His Love, Melanie :)


inchworming said...

Enjoyed reading your testimony! Thanking Him for making you who you are!!!

Melanie J Nash said...

Glad you enjoyed the post - and yes I praise God for His awesome faithfulness and goodness...I would be truly lost without Him!

Jenna Priest said...

Hi there :)
My story is similar. I knew from when I was a little girl that I was going to be a Christian. It just took me until the age of 24 to become one! It's been an amazing 5 years since. Glad I found another Christian blogger :D

Melanie J Nash said...

Excellent, me too Jenna - praise God for our new friendship :D