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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Tuesday 10 November 2015

The Unsettling Of Settling...

The title says it all really, of just how contradictory we people can be…I’m sure you know what I mean! Even when we know with all our being that we are EXACTLY where God wants us to be, we can still struggle with self-doubt and insecurities…

To be honest I’m still amazed to be writing this post from my new home in South Australia…8 hours drive west of the area I have called HOME for a long time now. One of my sons while cuddling on my bed last night remarked, ‘We are a loooong way from Victoria Mum…’ He was unsettled and I had to reassure him that things would be okay.

Over the last week while decluttering, packing, cleaning, driving, unpacking, more cleaning and more cleaning…I have literally escaped what has been my routine for so long and been thrown into what at times seems like a whole new world.

I no longer have the security of being hid away in my little country house next to some Jerseys…going to church, doing some outreach, working on assignments and making ends meet for the boys and me. The study is done. And now here I am with the perfect job I knew he’d provide me with, my boys have a great new school and all of us a wonderful new church family.

I reflect upon the hard times I’ve have had over the past four years and of how much good the pruning has done…And yet while I feel totally ready and prepared for this new chapter, I can relate to the Israelite's coming out of the wilderness and saying, ‘Those people are giants, we’re scared!’ (Read Numbers 13). And while I’m mostly feeling secure, at times I still find myself thinking up irrational scenarios - it is then I mentally kick myself in the rear and focus upon the words He has given me that say HE IS ENOUGH and HIS PLAN FOR ME IS RIGHT and therefore reminding myself to stop overthinking and just be myself; for I believe it’s only when we’re secure in Him that we can be secure in ourselves and of benefit to others. He has provided me with this opportunity to serve Him, so I can trust Him with the details.

I hope you know me well enough by now, that I don’t write just to be heard…I am sharing this post because I know we’re all human and we all can feel vulnerable; in being honest we can encourage one another. So whatever season you may be in, or whatever may be your current circumstances, keep TRUSTING Him with the details.

You may be in a new situation like me, and although you know without a doubt you are in His will, you may still feel like a fish out of water. 

Keep in the WORD, keep fellowshipping with encouraging Christians and Trust Him Regardless. 
You may feel lost, like you have no direction or the ability to hear His voice. 
Keep in the WORD, keep fellowshipping with encouraging Christians and Trust Him Regardless. 
You may be so deep in grief that you cannot see a bright future. 
Keep in the WORD, keep fellowshipping with encouraging Christians and Trust Him Regardless. 
You may feel so lonely and isolated compared to everyone else posting their amazing pics online. 
Keep in the WORD, keep fellowshipping with encouraging Christians and Trust Him Regardless. 
You may feel so ill and wonder 'Why me?'. 
Keep in the WORD, keep fellowshipping with encouraging Christians and Trust Him Regardless.
You may feel down with door after door shutting.
Keep in the WORD, keep fellowshipping with encouraging Christians and Trust Him Regardless.

Scripture says we should give thanks in whatever situation we find ourselves in and it is truly godly advice! 

To conquer the spiritual battles we face each day, we need to keep having our perceptions changed, not by our reality, rather by The Word of God. 

No person can change your perception or demeanour - Only The Word of God can change your reality by giving you spiritual wisdom to see beyond the temporary. 

There are many things I could grumble about but am choosing not to. Today and every day I can choose to give thanks for the blessings I have rather than focusing upon things I do not.

Today I am thankful for my mum helping us to move, my boys being safe and well, our new church family and home, for work and schooling and the unsettling of settling in. But most importantly I am thankful that I have a heavenly Father who loves me and has redeemed me for eternity.

May you also experience His peace by Trusting Him regardless of anything else.


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