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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Saturday 7 March 2015

I'm Christian...Can I get a tattoo?

Tattoos…where I live, I see them more and more imprinted on the skin of everyday people…

What was once taboo for ‘ordinary’ people…Only for the likes of hardcore bikers or their girlfriends has now become for many, a desired and trendy must have!

When I was a girl, I was taught I was NEVER to get a tattoo or piercings, for that would be ‘marking’ my body which was to be a temple for God.  And honestly this made sense to me because for a long time the tattoos I saw, in my opinion, were either scary or vulgar.

But please be warned this post is NOT intending to deal with the theological debate on whether it is permissible for Christians to get tattoos or piercings…Rather just to share what I believe God has spoken into my heart today for me personally.

You see for those of you who don’t personally know me, I am a creative, artistic person and I actually really like some modern tattooing; the artistry and message can be really beautiful…

But what’s IMPORTANT for me personally is to not make permanent decisions hastily; being led by popular opinion…even if it’s called Christian or not!

As a daughter of God I WANT His opinion and guidance ABOVE all else…

It frustrates me when some people claim to have all the answers…SERIOUSLY…just ask them and they’ll tell you they’re right, rather than encouraging you to seek Jesus yourself for the answer…FURTHERMORE…what else annoys me is the sheer laziness of people!  It seems many would prefer to watch TV and be spoon fed theological answers above personally seeking an answer from God through prayer, reading scripture and a wide source of reputable theologians for context.

I mean come on!  What good parent wouldn’t want to answer their child when they ask them a serious question?  What good parent wouldn’t want their child to come to them for sound advice over some ‘guru’ or their immature friends?

God answers His children because He is their loving Heavenly Father!

I have found with some things my heavenly Father answers me gently and over time…giving me small portions at a time for me to digest and think about...Just like I do with my own children; I don’t bombard them with all the information on big issues, I give them what they are maturely ready for.  I break down the topic into appropriate sections which build upon the previous; so that over time they will have a complete picture they can grasp intellectually, but most importantly grasp hold of in a practical way and apply to their own lives.

So if you personally want an answer to whether or not you should get ‘inked’ I’d advise you to PRAY and ask The Lord, then seek His answer through scripture and wider sources; there are many great sources on You Tube available.

For quite a while I have been thinking about getting a ‘cross’ tattoo on the underside of my forearm.

I was thinking about how an ancient cross design, in black ink would look beautiful on my fair skin and of how it could be both a statement of my faith in Christ and an interesting talking point…Yet I did not have total peace to go further and get it done, so I simply sat with the thought and over time listened to theological viewpoints on the issue. I wanted to come to a personal answer for myself from God, and today I think I heard my final, personal answer…

I felt today The Lord reminded me of who I am in Him, as His daughter.

I felt The Lord said to me that I am His…tattoo or no tattoo…that I am already unashamedly living my life dedicated to Him and this speaks LOUDER than any tattoo…that His LOVE in me will shine brighter than any ‘INK’ possibly could.

I felt He said to me that He has already IMPRINTED His mark upon me.

I was reminded that He has made a solemn covenant with me and written His Holy Ways upon my heart…Jeremiah 31:33;  For He has rebirthed me by His blessed Holy Spirit, giving me a new mind and heart…a mind which is being transformed to be more in sync with His and a heart which KNOWS His ways!

When I look around today and I see the beautiful artwork imprinted on the skin of ‘ordinary people’ – yes I like the artistry, but what saddens me is what I still see behind the beautiful and trendy outer…I see people hiding behind their beautiful exterior.  People striving to keep up with the latest trends in an effort to stand out from the crowd to find personal significance…I don’t see PERSONAL PEACE.

I know I have PEACE as God’s daughter, that this does make me different and significant!  Yes, I am just an ORDINARY woman…yet I KNOW He died for me, He took the punishment I deserve for my sin and made the way for me to have ETERNITY with Him in PEACE.

I am forever changed with His LOVE imprinted on every chromosome that makes me, me…I have been re-birthed and now SHOUT the Truth for everyone else to hear, so that they too can find SIGNIFICANCE & PEACE for all eternity (which starts now)!

May you too know His peace, Melanie.

Let me leave you with 'You Make Me Brave' by Bethel Live.

1 comment:

Chanda Griese said...

A tattoo is a bigger decision than we realize. Good point to bring this decision and all other decisions to the Lord Himself and He will show us what to do...