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Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Shouting Out!

As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs
after You...You alone, are my heart's desire
and I long to worship You!
Right now I just have to shout out and proclaim the goodness of God!

Yes, unashamed I will shout out to all people that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the WHOLE WORLD and that I BELONG to HIM!

Even as I sit here, feeling less than okay, with a headache and runny nose (it’s winter here in Australia atm), eating my Vegemite toast (it’s an Aussie spread) and sipping my coffee…I have the wonderful JOY of God in my heart and I am celebrating because He makes a way, when there seems to be no way and I belong to Him!

Over two years ago my ex-husband left.

No he actually abandoned me and our children, in the sense that he was there one day, gone the next – never wanting to talk or reconcile…I did not see it coming.

I could have been angry at God, very angry…

Sure…my ex wasn’t a born-again Christian, but I had loved him as a godly wife should since I was born-again (it had been around 7 years) and our marriage had been so much better than the early years…

But I never chose to be angry at The One who truly loved me enough to forgive me of all my sins, cleanse and re-birth me in His grace…The One who died for me.  I remembered my rebellious past, for I had been a prodigal daughter and accepted that my ex with his own free will was running.

Rather than retaining my anger over the situation and directing it at others, I kept praying, reading scripture, talking about my anger and fear with trusted Christians and I cried…I went to church and cried…yep even during the worship songs…actually especially during the worship songs.  I let my church family hug me and say all that stuff that doesn’t often really help…I stayed open to GOD and His love from His people.

I slowly began to re-discover my identity as a single Christian and heal from the devastation of divorce.  I began to get to know myself a whole lot better as a daughter of the King, even when I felt like a peasant.

I needed more healthy contact with people and a way to creatively express my faith during this ‘wilderness’ time.  This is one reason I began this blog…God showed me an opportunity and I seized it, not really knowing much more than this feels right.  I had no idea if I’d run out of stuff to write about or if I’d get tired of it or whether I’d meet a lot of weird people online…this is how ‘Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman’ was born.

So 19 months later and this humble little blog is still going…and it’s still been a source of awesome blessing for me.

The blog led me to a Google+ online Christian Blogging Community which to be totally honest I felt like leaving after a short term because the ‘rules’ seemed very restrictive and oppressive…however I thought no I need to respect this group and accept discipline so I stuck it out…

Sticking it out ended with me becoming a community moderator and making some lifetime friends whom I believe I will see in heaven because they live so far away for now.  It has also led to my close friend (another moderator) recommending me as a Christian writer for a really BIG blog.

God has now opened the door for me to now speak to a much larger audience.

I will continue ‘Life of an Ordinary Aussie Woman’ for this blog is part of me…but I will also be obedient and step through this new door and continue to share with others what God puts upon my heart and The Truth that is Jesus Christ is THE WAY, THE TRUTH & THE LIFE!

I feel so incredibly in awe of what God has been faithfully doing in my life over the past couple of years…has it been easy, no…what growth and pruning is?  But I choose to live my life no other way…for there is no other way for peace with God, except through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Just this week in fact I shed some tears due to some personal issues…to be honest it had been quite some time since I had.  But nothing will tear me away from peace with God, no hardship and this is my prayer.

He makes a way when there seems to be no way, so stay faithful!

Here is a link to the BIG blog, 'LifeNotes' for which I am now a guest writer:
'Plastic People' my 1st LifeNotes post

I love you all, Melanie.

1 comment:

Kiittäkää Aina ja Kaikesta said...

Congratulations! You really deserve it Melanie! May God bless this new opportunity and everything you write :)